Surfer Blood #3 hardest working band, still on the road. Cock n Bull TV from IRE

According to Digital News, Surfer Blood is #3 on the highest working live band poll. Most shows and miles traveled for 2010. Thats right kids, these boys are workhorses as they love to play as much as possible, so continue to support them when they come to your town. They’ll be playing new songs from the upcoming EP out this Spring 2011.   Here’s a video from Cock N Bull TV in Ireland – which is where they were a few days ago.

Under the Radar reviews You are the Beat

Under the Radar Magazine reviews the debut album from Dream Diary, "You are the Beat"

BRAIDS "Native Speaker" out today.

Rolling Stone review “mix of euphoria and ambiguity” with “beatific psychedelic washes” Prefix Mag review “Braids are drawing from a wide pool of influences, from the Cocteau Twins (the vocal harmonies on “Plath Heart,” “Same Mum” and “Lammicken”) and krautrock (the relentless plinking of the keys on “Plath Heart”), to late-period Portishead (“Native Speaker”). But all of it is filtered through Braids’ unique angle of approach.” and “You’ll probably listen to more immediate albums this year, but few will have the down-the-rabbit-hole quality that marks Native Speaker for success.” NY Times review “It’s heady music about the body and its imperatives. And it’s every bit as mesmerizing […]

Surfer Blood touring Europe with Interpol, Take Away Paris show

UK + Ireleand Dates Wednesday 2nd March 2011 – Manchester Academy 3 Thursday 3rd March 2011 – Birmingham O2 Academy 2 Friday 4th March 2011 – Dublin O2 Academy Saturday 5th March 2011 – Glasgow King Tuts Sunday 6th March 2011 – Newcastle O2 Academy 2 Tuesday 8th March 2011 – Brighton Digital Wednesday 9th March 2011 – London Scala

Eternal Summers cover Guided by Voices for Gorilla vs Bear

At Gorilla vs Bear: “Virginia’s Eternal Summers recently sent over their contribution to Wild Animal Kingdom’s instantly sold-out Guided By Guided By Voices cassette, which features new renditions of Guided By Voices jams by the likes of Big Troubles, Pill Wonder, Real Estate’s Martin Courtney IV, and more. Here’s the duo’s faithful, slightly-dreamier-than-the-original take on GBV’s classic ‘A Salty Salute.’” Visit Gorilla vs Bear to download mp3

Surfer Blood touring with The Drums, releasing Floating Vibes single

Floating Vibes digital single out August 24th 1. Floating Vibes 2. Twin Peaks (Allen Blickle remix) click to stream the remix at Upcoming Surfer Blood Tour Dates 09.05  Seattle, WA @ Hard Rock 09.06  Seattle, WA @ Bumbershoot Festival 09.10  Portland, OR @ MFNW Wonder Ballroom 09.11  Providence, RI @ Jerky’s Live* 09.12  Washington, DC @ 9:30 Club* 09.13  Chapel Hill, NC @ Local 506* 09.15  Atlanta, GA @ The Loft* 09.17  Orlando, FL @ the Social* 09.18  Miami, FL @ Grand Central* 09.19  St. Petersburg, FL @ State Theatre* 09.20  Gainesville, FL @ Common Grounds* 09.21  Tallahassee, FL […]

Eternal Summers debut album coming September 28

Eternal Summers debut album “Silver” is coming out Sept. 28, 2010 on Kanine Records. We are super excited about this release and you should be too. This will be one of fall’s most exciting releases. So don’t miss out on the action, be prepared and preorder the album from Insound on cd and/or vinyl.

"Spirit Youth" is out today.

"Spirit Youth" is in stores today.

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